Outcome of Oral Health Promotion Project in Child - Care Center, Muang District, Nan Province

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ฉลองชัย สกลวสันต์
พิชยา บัติปัน
รอยพิมพ์ นาระทะ
ศรีมาลา เทพสุคนธ์


The objective of this study was to determine oral health status and related factors in preschool children at child-care center, Amphur Muang Nan. 10 child-care centers were selected by stratified simple random sampling. Dental caries and plaque scores were collected from 335 children by oral examination. Parents and caretakers were interviewed for health behaviors and health activities. The results found that prevalence of dental caries in children was 68.4%. Only 14.9% of parents could rebrush for their children. In weekly, children consumed fruits average 5.8 days, snack 4.4 days. Child-care center provided healthy activities such as tooth brushing, oral examination and healthy snacks. This finding showed that dental caries is oral health problem in children at child-care center. Parent training for pooper oral care of their children should be performed


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สกลวสันต์ ฉ, บัติปัน พ, นาระทะ ร, เทพสุคนธ์ ศ. Outcome of Oral Health Promotion Project in Child - Care Center, Muang District, Nan Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];14(1):40-7. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/178916
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