Fluoride varnish used for caries Prevention in the children 0-3 years old.

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สุภาวดี พรหมมา
ศรีสุดา ลีละศิธร


The aim of this project was to study problems of fluoride varnish use for caries prevention in children 0-3 years old. Tool used in this project was questionnaire, and, 18 from 42 persons fed back. The result of the study was, problems of fluoride varnish use were smearing technique and co-operation of children, this study not found side effect of fluoride varnish smearing. Some parents misunderstood of using fluoride varnish and could not follow the dental nurses' advices. Most of them were approved fluoride varnish to protect the dental caries in the 0-3 years old children. Therefore, dental nurses should not do fluoride varnish smearing service for children in healthy clinic incorporate with vaccine, but ought to make an appointment to do fluoride varnish smearing for children especially.


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How to Cite
พรหมมา ส, ลีละศิธร ศ. Fluoride varnish used for caries Prevention in the children 0-3 years old. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];14(1):70-6. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/178935
Original Article


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