The Factors Influencing the Local Government Official Dentists to Stay Working Under the Local Health System of the 3 Southern Provinces

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สมฤทธิ์ จิโรจน์วณิชชากร


This cross-sectional research has been handled for the purpose of studying what factors influencing the local government official dentists to continue working under the health system of the 3 southern provinces, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat. This cross-sectional research covered all the 85 samples of the local government official dentists in the 3 southern provinces from January 2008 to February 2008. The response rate of this cross-sectional research was 67.1%. The basic information of the samples was as follow: the average age was 31.6 years old with an average 7 years working time in government. The research has found that the influencing factors which were attracting the local government official dentists in these 3 southern provinces to stay working in the government health system of these 3 southern provinces were as follow: the homeland factor, the cultural factor, the happiness factor, the business career factor, the end crisis factor and the revenue factor. The working in their homeland areas, either the homeland of themselves or their spouses, was one of their basic life-objectives. The cultural factor made them more familiar with people, customs and culture around them. The happiness factor was a personal inspiration that they worked in their own home towns. The business career facto that they could open their own dental clinics to improve their income. The end crisis factor was that they definitely believed that crisis situation of these 3 southern provinces would end soon. The sixth attractive factor was that their average income was more than Baht 80,000/ month.


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จิโรจน์วณิชชากร ส. The Factors Influencing the Local Government Official Dentists to Stay Working Under the Local Health System of the 3 Southern Provinces. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];13(4):28-41. Available from:
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