The study of the improvement of children's oral health in childcare centers in 2007

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สุรางค์ เชษฐพฤนท์
บุบผา ไตรโรจน์
สุภาวดี พรหมมา
วิไลลักษณ์ บังเกิดสิงห์


The study of the improvement of children's oral health in childcare centers in 2007 aimed to evaluate the tooth-brushing activity, the snack consumption, teeth examination, and the effectiveness of oral health policies in childcare centers. The data was collected by interviewing child caretakers in 1153 centers in 6 provinces during June to July 2007. The study showed that the tooth-brushing activity in childcare centers had been carried out satisfactorily. In particular, 89.8% of the centers conducted the after-lunch tooth-brushing activity, 84.8% had the children separated their own toothbrush, 92.5% used fluoridetoothpaste, and 59.7% had their caretakers to provide toothpaste for children each time in the amount approximately equal to the size of a green bean. Nevertheless, the toothbrush replacement and the quality of snacks provided for children in childcare centers were considered unsatisfactory. The study showed that 38.8% of the centers replaced toothbrush for children once every semester, and 30.5% only once a year. Moreover, most childcare centers provided snacks that had high risk to cause caries. These snacks included sweets (73.5%), sweetened milk/yogurt (74.2%), and bottled milk (86.6%). For childcare centers that provided fruits as snacks 3-5 days per week, 16.4% of them provided fruits in the morning, while 19.5% in the afternoon. The frequency of teeth examination by caretakers was very different among childcare centers: 45.7% did the examination everyday, and 36.8% once a week. The caries examination was carried out in 3 ways: examination by the caretaker, examination by the official, and by both caretaker and official. In particular, 70.7% of childcare centers had their caretakers examined teeth for children. For caries treatments, most caretakers would suggest guardians to take their children to the dentist when necessary. Only 17.9% offered treatments by professionals in-house. For the improvement of childrens oral health in childcare centers, the supports were normally given by local authorities, who provided locations (43.3%), toothpaste (28.0%), toothbrush (26.9%), and education for caretakers (20.9 %).The supports from guardians normally included toothbrush (49.9%) and toothpaste (46.2%). Most supports from the officials were in the forms of education for caretakers (44.5%), toothbrush (32.4%), and toothpaste (28.3%). Normally, childcare centers did not get supports from temples or local communities.


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How to Cite
เชษฐพฤนท์ ส, ไตรโรจน์ บ, พรหมมา ส, บังเกิดสิงห์ ว. The study of the improvement of children’s oral health in childcare centers in 2007. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 9];13(4):69-78. Available from:
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