The situation of the oral health promotion programs in the child development centers and kindergartens in Chaiyaphum province.

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นิติโชติ นิลกําแหง
ฐิฏิญา สิทธิวงศ์
ปณิสรา ปรีบุญพูล


The aims of this study were to investigate the situation of the oral health promotion programs in the child development centers and kindergartens in Chaiyaphum province and to suggest the means to improve this program. The interviewing technique was used and 344 child development centers 93.2% and 569 kindergartens 83% were participated in this study. The results showed that 99.1% of child development centers affiliated with the Local Organization Administration. and 88.5% of kindergarten with the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The ratio of nannies or teachers to children was 1 to 19. Approximately 30 % of the child development centers had children less than 3 years old. Most of the teachers in kindergartens 84.5% had bachelor degree or higher education but only 17% of the nannies had bachelor degree or higher education. Moreover, 57.6% and 30.8% of nannies and teachers, respectively attended an oral health training programs. 81.4% and 89.1% of child development centers and kindergartens carried out the afternoon tooth brushing project. There were 28.8% and 39.6% of permanent tooth brushing places in child development centers and kindergartens, respectively. Fruit had been provided as dessert for 3-5 days/ week in the child development centers 47.1% but in 5.5% of the kindergartens. Comparing the food consumption behavior, most of child development centers had children that brought food which had high risk of causing dental caries such as bottle milk 90.7%, snacks 82.6% and sweet milk drinking yogurt 73.3%. The daily tooth examination was carried out in the child development centers 42.7% and kindergartens 15.3%, respectively. The checking of tooth decaying was also performed one time per study term in the child development centers 30.5% and kindergartens 36.3%. Local Organization Administration supported the oral health promotion programs for children in the child development centers by providing tooth brushing places 24.2%, toothbrush is 21.8% and tooth paste 22.1% and training 20.1%. The staff of public health units provided the training for the child development centers 30.5% and kindergartens 30.3%. There was no significant difference in the degree of supporting the tooth brushes and tooth paste from parents in the child development centers and kindergartens.


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นิลกําแหง น, สิทธิวงศ์ ฐ, ปรีบุญพูล ป. The situation of the oral health promotion programs in the child development centers and kindergartens in Chaiyaphum province. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2008 May 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];13(3):27-38. available from:
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