Perception of dental fluorosis in junior high school students and their parents in Tambol Banthi, Amphor Banthi, Lamphun Province.

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วัชรี มาลาศรี


The objective of this study was to review the perception of dental fluorosis in junior high school students and their parents in Tambol Banthi, Amphor Banthi, Lamphun Province. Data collecting was conducted by interviewing the students and their parents on their perception of dental fluorosis and etiological evidences also conducted the dental examination of the students using Dean's index. The result revealed 45.3% of the students have dental fluorosis condition distributed in 4 groups of very mild, mild, moderate, severe form as 10.5% 13.8% 15.1% and 5.9% respectively. On perception aspect 54.0% and 59.9% of the students and the parents recognized dental fluorosis condition. 62.2% and 50.5% of the students and the parents knew the cause of dental fluorosis. 30.9% and 40.7% of the students and the parents acknowledged the prevention of the condition. 68.3% and 41.8% knew the treatment method 44.2% and 30.5 recognized the relationship between dental fluorosis and consuming over standard fluoride drinking water however 18.0% and 20.0% believed that dental fluorosis caused by drinking water contaminated with microorganism also improper tooth brushing practice. In conclusion, junior high school students and their parents had low level of recognition on dental fluorosis also insufficient perception on etiology and prevention of the aforementioned condition. This implied the Dental officer's concern to provide proper knowledge, encouraged on awareness and prevention measure on dental fluorosis to the public at large and the new generation as well.


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มาลาศรี ว. Perception of dental fluorosis in junior high school students and their parents in Tambol Banthi, Amphor Banthi, Lamphun Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];13(2):138-45. Available from:
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