A study of the opinions of elderly people in Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai with respect to quality of life regarding oral and general health.

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วรรณศรี แก้วปินตา
นพวรรณ ทองทับ
สุณี ผลดีเยี่ยม


The objective of this study was to define the quality of life for both oral and general health with respect to elderly people. It is a descriptive study that was done by a quality process. The sample was selected by purposing sampling from the elder age group of over 60 years old in Hang Dong District Chiang Mai Province. There was a selected sample of 48 people. Data collection was done by group conversation and in-depth interview from March to May, 2007. The data has been analyzed by content analysis. Results showed that elderly people thought they had a good quality of life and lack of diseases. They were able to take care of themselves even if they had health problems. They also thought that they should have a long-lasting life, being selfsufficient with a good job to earn enough money for themselves and their families. The elderly who have a good quality of life thought they should be able to chew food by using their own teeth or fabricated teeth. They also thought they should have a clean house and sufficient sleep. They also thought they should have the ability to go wherever they want, to do a variety of exercises, to talk and join the activities with other elderly people, and to visit other elderly people who were sick to encourage them. They also said they should be members of the cremation aid organization and get monetary support every month. They should also prepare themselves to, face death, go to the temple every day to receive the precepts, listen to sermons and meditate. They should also be able to assist in voluntary community work, be accepted and respected by their families and community. They should be good role models to society and their families by having good morals, and being polite. When they were ill they thought that someone should look after them and take them to see a doctor. They also thought that they should have a good family, no debt and get information to help them better understand the people and society at present.


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แก้วปินตา ว, ทองทับ น, ผลดีเยี่ยม ส. A study of the opinions of elderly people in Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai with respect to quality of life regarding oral and general health. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Feb. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];13(1):37-51. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/210249
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