The effect due to the change of oral health service method at well baby clinic Bang Pa-in Hospital, Ayuttaya.

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เชิดชัย ลิมปิวัฒนา


The data of dental caries in 18-month-old children collected in 2004 by Bang Pa-In Hospital staffs revealed that 74% of subjects have caries-free. Therefore, the hospital decided to improve oral-health service. In the old method, we told the parents to bring their children to have the first oral-health service at the age of 18 months. Now we encourage them to bring their children to have their first dental check-up when they reach 4 months, and emphasize on giving them advices, and training them how to clean their child's teeth correctly. After 3 years of using the new method, we, again, had collected the data to evaluate the change of age and frequencies of dental visits, habits of children oral care, and caries in 18-month-old children by using the service of Bang Pa-In Hospital in 2005-2007. The data showed the increase of number of children who came and had their first oral-health service while they were 4, 6 and 9 months and the frequencies of dental visit. The children received more brushing and less sweet-milk drinking. This resulted 91.1% caries-free in 18 month-old children in 2007.


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ลิมปิวัฒนา เ. The effect due to the change of oral health service method at well baby clinic Bang Pa-in Hospital, Ayuttaya. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2008 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 7];13(1):141-9. Available from:
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