Situation of Oral Health Promotion Programs in Child Centers in Phayao Province, 2007.

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ชาญ เชิดชูเหล่า
อิ่มเอิบ สุทธิวรรณ


The objective of this research was to study the situation of oral health promotion programs in 236 child centers in Phayao province by using interview technique. It was found that: There were 85.2 % of the child centers organized by Tambon Administration Organizations (TAOs). The minimum and the maximum children in the centers were 6 and 130 respectively (average 29.68+17.19). The percentage of children under 3 years old was 38.3. 90.9 % of the centers accepted less than 50 children. 66.5 % of the centers accepted children of mixed ages. The ratio of the nannies to children was 1:13.6. 68.4 % of nannies have been trained in Oral Health in the last 2 years. 95.8 % of the centers carried out daily tooth brushing after lunch which was the most coverage of Oral Health Promotion programs. 85.6 % of the centers provided fruit 3-5 days a week. 58.6 % had suitable and permanent tooth brushing places for the children. 81.0 % of the children could do regular tooth brushing. The percentage of the centers providing daily tooth examination was 60.8. 44.5 % of the centers provided 1 or 2 times a semester for tooth examination. However, snack control in the centers was not so good. The percentage of the children who brought snacks, sweet milk drinking yoghurt and milk bottles, was 58.6, 69.6 and 71.9 respectively. 66.5% of the parents provided tooth brushes and 57.4% provided tooth paste. TAOs provided tooth brushing places for 36.9% of the centers and 53.2% of the centers received support from dental health or health personnel.


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เชิดชูเหล่า ช, สุทธิวรรณ อ. Situation of Oral Health Promotion Programs in Child Centers in Phayao Province, 2007. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2007 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];12(3):29-3. Available from:
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