Health Status and Oral Health Status of the elderly who received dental treatment In Sanpatong Hospital, Chiang Mai Province.

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สมนึก สมบัติวัฒนางกูร
สุทิสา โพธิสา


The purpose of this study was to investigate the general and oral health status of elderly.174 elderly subjects were recruited from eldery who received dental treatment in Sanpatong Hospital, Chiang Mai Province during October and December 2005. Subjects were interviewed and examined for their oral health status and recorded. Results showed that there were 75.86 % of elderly with systemic diseases. Osteoarthritis was the most common (39.65%) followed by peptic ulcer (28.74%), hypertension (21.84%) and diabetes mellitus (11.59%). The periodontal disease, tooth attrition and dental caries were found 97.40%, 46.75% and 38.31% respectively. The most common oral status was xerostomia ( 54.75%) followed by alterative of taste sensation (42.53%) and atrophic glossitis (31.61%).Oral candidal infection was most common of oral muc lesion.. The study found association between erythroplakia and diabetes mellitus patient and association between loss of taste and peptic ulcer patient and found that there was a relationship between oral candidiasis and heart disease patient. In this study 21 elderly subjects received prosthetic treatment, as to improve quality of life.


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สมบัติวัฒนางกูร ส, โพธิสา ส. Health Status and Oral Health Status of the elderly who received dental treatment In Sanpatong Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2007 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];12(3):62-75. Available from:
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