Factors related to Dental Caries in Thai children aged 1-3 years, Chiangrai province, 2006.

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จิตตพร นิพนธ์กิจ


The purpose of this study was to identify associated risk factors of early childhood caries (ECC) in a sample of Thai children 1-3 year of age. Samples were children who came for vaccinatio at well baby clinics Data were collected by interviewing caregivers who brought their children to well baby clinics for vaccination by 17 MOPH hospitals in Chiangrai province during May - June, 2006. The survey was pinpointed to population demographic, all sorts of food taken in last week, snacks and drinks taken in last 24 hours with their taking reasons and dental caries examination. A number of 170 samples were derived and analysed by Chi-square test and forward stepwise logistic regression statistics. Results revealed that actual caregivers were mothers and family 74.1 %, educated by primary level (45.9%) and earned by income less than 10,000 Bahts per month (60.6%). The prevalence of dental caries among samples was 32.9%. Entire 24 hour snacks and drinks were summed up to 773 items including fruits (15.5%), snacks (24.7%), sugar-free drinks (33.9%) and sugar drinks (25.9%). It was also found that associated risk factors of children's caries experience included oral hygiene, frequent consumption of snacks and drinks and sweetened milk consumption.


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นิพนธ์กิจ จ. Factors related to Dental Caries in Thai children aged 1-3 years, Chiangrai province, 2006. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2007 Sep. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];12(2):17-29. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/211799
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