The process evaluation of the oral health care for mothers and children project in 2004.

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บุบผา ไตรโรจน์
จันทนา อึ้งชูศักดิ์
ศรีสุดา ลีละศิธร
สุภาวดี พรหมมา
สุรางค์ เชษฐพฤนท์


The oral health care for mothers and children were launched as a national program during the years of 2003 - 2005. The main activities composed of 1) The oral examination and the plaque control for pregnant women 2) The oral examination for children 3) A hand-on training for parents to brush their children's teeth. The purpose of this evaluation is to understand what activities are recommended, and how this project should be operated, The recommendations will be used to improve the project in the future. The qualitative data was collected among 8 CUPs in 4 provinces. This was done by interviewing 16 dental personnel. The results showed that the dental personnel at CUPs had a clear perception, while some concepts, especially about the target group issue, were still unclear to the PCU personnel. The coordination and the collaboration among health providers were not properly established; therefore, almost all of the activities were managed by the dental personnel. However, the dental personnel approved the activities that were written in the guidebook. The oral examination for pregnant women and children were routinely performed. The plaque control can be operated if the number of patients were not too high. Yet, training parents to brush their children's teeth was rarely performed. In some PCUs, the oral services with home care activities had been integrated. It was recommended that more resources such as toothbrush and toothpaste should be supplied and practical model exchanges should be supported.


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ไตรโรจน์ บ, อึ้งชูศักดิ์ จ, ลีละศิธร ศ, พรหมมา ส, เชษฐพฤนท์ ส. The process evaluation of the oral health care for mothers and children project in 2004. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];9(1-2):21-33. Available from:
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