High Fluoride content in natural water sources in Thailand.

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ปิยะดา ประเสริฐสม
อังศนา ฤทธิ์อยู่
โกวิศ เรียบเรียง


The database of fluoride content in natural water sources (1984-2001 A.C.) produced by Dental Health Division , MOPH. had shown a very high variation (< 0.1-11.3 ppm.). Most of the sources were safe to drink, but there was 1,585 sources with fluoride content exceeded the optimal level (0.7-1 ppm.) recommended by the expert committees. In order to monitor the level of fluoride content of these sources of water, the samples were collected from the same sources in 2004. There were 905 samples sent back to measure the fluoride concentration. There were 489 samples that have the level of fluoride more than 1 ppm and the rest 416 samples were lower than 1 ppm. Most of the water sources had less fluoride concentration when compared to their former data. While 17.7% had higher fluoride content. The Public tap water in the village and the artesian well water were the widest variation of fluoride content. Both were the major water sources of Thai people. We recommended that the surveillance system of natural source of water is an essential system to decrease the risk from high fluoride intake of Thai people.


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ประเสริฐสม ป, ฤทธิ์อยู่ อ, เรียบเรียง โ. High Fluoride content in natural water sources in Thailand. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];9(1-2):70-7. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/212971
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