Fluoride level in public tap water in Thailand.

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อังศณา ฤทธิ์อยู่
บุญเอื้อ ยงวานิชากร


Data of fluoride level in natural drinking water from various sources over country were collected. All 58,693 samples which collected during 1989-2001 were analysed to assess fluoride level by ion selective electrode method. Electronic database was performed and data was analysed to explore the safety of drinking water regarding to fluoride level. Results showed shallow well water was the major source of drinking water (36.1%) followed by public tap water (26.9%). The fluoride level presented a wide variation; from 0.00 ppm. to 12.00 ppm. with 0.18 as the median. Owing to the convenience and high coverage of tap water, 95.3% was safe to consume as daily water source but 4.7% contained the excess fluoride level (F-level > 1 ppm). There were provinces lay along the western and northern part of the country which showed some higher than standard of fluoride level. Although there were small proportion of high fluoride tap water but the impact of chronic exposure was great. Treatments of the dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis were difficult and high cost. Thus, for the safety sake, there should be a good system and collaborating organizations, to monitor and manage the public water supply either in the small level like village or in the municipal water plant.


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ฤทธิ์อยู่ อ, ยงวานิชากร บ. Fluoride level in public tap water in Thailand. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2002 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];7(2):27-36. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/213074
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