Oral Health Status and Related Factors of Psychiatric In-patients at Somdet Choapraya Hospital.

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สุทธิมาศ วงษ์ประภารัตน์
มลิวัลย์ พันธโคตร์


This study aimed to investigate the oral health status and related factors of psychiatric in-patients at Somdet Choapraya hospital. The samples were 124 psychiatric in-patients refered to dental department for oral examination and dental treatment during December 1999- May 2000. The results showed that 66.9 percent of patients were male, 38.4 years old by average and 52.4 percent of all were schizophrenic patients. The oral health status, 49.6 percent of patients had calculus and 45.2 percent had periodontitis. The average sextants of oral cavity with calculus and periodontal pocket were 3.1 and 1.3 sextants, respectively. The patients had 23.9 teeth by average. About 89.5 percent of patients had dental caries and the average number of decayed, missing and filling teeth was 15.6. The average number of DMFT was related to sex, age, domicile and duration of mental illness of patients. The average number of sextants with periodontal pockets were related to education and income of patients (p<0.01). But there were no difference in the group of patients with different psychiatric diseases , different systemic diseases and psychotropic drugs received.


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วงษ์ประภารัตน์ ส, พันธโคตร์ ม. Oral Health Status and Related Factors of Psychiatric In-patients at Somdet Choapraya Hospital. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2001 Jun. 25 [cited 2025 Jan. 25];6(1):36-45. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/213526
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