Dental caries status and oral health behaviour of primary school children aged 12 years in Bangkok.

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อาภา ศันสนียวาณิช ศันสนียวาณิช


The objectives of the study were to obtain the dental caries status, oral health behaviour and correlation between dental caries status and oral health behaviour of primary school children aged 12 years in Bangkok in the year 2000. The sample size was 341 children getting by stratified multistage sampling technique. The data was collected by dental carries examination and answering the questionnaires of oral health behaviour. The results of the study showed that percent affected of dental caries status was 65.1 and mean DMFT was 1.97 teeth per person. Girls had high prevalence of dental caries than boys significantly at P-value < 0.05. Over 70 % of children brushed their teeth twice a day, 47.8 % checking up and receiving dental treatment by dentist one or two times per year .Between meal consumption of sugary snacks everyday especially fruit drink with sugar was highest at 38.4 percent. The correlation between dental caries status and oral health behaviour was statistically significant at P-value <0.05. The crrelation between checking up and receiving dental treatment by dentist, and consumption of sugary snack everyday, was also statistically significant.


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ศันสนียวาณิช อศ. Dental caries status and oral health behaviour of primary school children aged 12 years in Bangkok. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2000 Dec. 25 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];5(1-2):20-31. Available from:
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