A training program for health volunteers on oral health and using AIC participatory technique.

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น้ําเพชร ตั้งยิ่งยง
เพ็ญศรี สมชัย


A training program for health volunteers who had been trained on oral health before was conducted using AIC participatory technique. The volunteers and health officials from District Health Office were divided into 4 groups according to their public health zones (locations). Each group comprised of 80-100 persons identified and analyzed dental problems of preschool children (0-5 years old) in their villages. Later they made a plan and designed some activities to do in their community. An evaluation was done by using data from dental campaign program proposed to Provincial Health Office and focus group of the health volunteers in 4 villages that proposed and did not submit their proposal to the PHO. Findings revealed that volunteers were satisfied with the AIC training process as they could express their opinions and conclude the activities to do at home. Seventeen villages proposed to the PHO requesting some supports for their activities. Focus group results showed that the volunteers had good dental health knowledge and were confident to disseminate dental health knowledge to other people in community. They recognized the importance of dental health problem in their young children. Most of them satisfied with their health voluntary roles and confident enough to give information even without support from health office. Activities that health volunteers done were; disseminate health related knowledge and information through village broadcasting announcers 1-2 times a week, talking to people about health issues at their home in their responsible areas (8-10 household). In area where the volunteers team were strong and united they could gather the resources and cooperation among various local organizations, they could arrange a big dental campaign on National Oral Health Day with the good cooperation from health center and local administrative organization.


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ตั้งยิ่งยง น, สมชัย เ. A training program for health volunteers on oral health and using AIC participatory technique. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2000 Dec. 25 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];5(1-2):32-4. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/213766
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