Dental Care Products Consumption of Thai People.

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มัลลิกา ตัณฑลเวศม์
สุวิภา อนันต์ธนสวัสดิ์
วิกุล วิสาลเสสถ์
นนทินี ตั้งเจริญดี


This study aimed to find out the dental care products consumption of Thai people. Stratified multistage random sampling was used to select samples throughout the country except Bangkok. There were 1,862 adolescents (13 - 25 years old) and 1,370 adults (26 - 59 years old) being samples from 12 provinces. Standardized questionnaires were used to interview those samples. Results showed that percentages of samples who used toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash, lozenge, and dental floss were 99.4, 89.7,9.8, 9.6, and 2.8 respectively. There were 59% of those who changed their toothbrushes within 3 months. The reasons given in choosing the new toothbrush were consideration on good quality (68.9%), shape (9.8%) and price (9.3%). There were 56.4% of people who read label on the package. The quality of toothbrushes that enhanced the consumers were soft bristle (49.0%) and angled handle (31.7%) and 31.6% could not describe. It was recommended that more information about dental care products should be disseminated to the consumers by technical organization rather than commercial advertisment alone (91.9%).


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ตัณฑลเวศม์ ม, อนันต์ธนสวัสดิ์ ส, วิสาลเสสถ์ ว, ตั้งเจริญดี น. Dental Care Products Consumption of Thai People. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];3(1):20-8. Available from:
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