Oral Health Promotion in Elderly Group.

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สุธา เจียรมณีโชติชัย
วรางคณา เวชวิธี


As the result of social structure changed, the number of elderly population is increased. These elderly population are still having more oral health problems, more severely and more complicated than other groups. To achieve the goal of good oral health in elderly population, the follow up and treatment by dental health personal alone is inadequate. Good education, attitude and awareness of dental self-care among elderly population are required.

The oral health promotion process is one of the strategies to improve or maximize dental self-care among elderly groups to have long-term good oral health. The model and process of dental health promotion includes, oral health education, fluoride supplement, chemical therapy and preventive dental service technic in risk groups. These could be adopted to fit needs and feasibility of each person, family and community by considering the difference socio-economics and cultures. Importantly, the good collaboration between government and private sectors should be emphasized to ensure the achievement of ultimate goals.


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เจียรมณีโชติชัย ส, เวชวิธี ว. Oral Health Promotion in Elderly Group. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1998 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];3(1):70-6. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/214343
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