An evaluation of Roi-ed province preschool children's dental promotion program.

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Supraluk Ratsameerat et al


According to the Dental Health Plan in the seventh National Health Development Plan, a health education strategy was used to solve the dental caries problem in preschool children during 1992-1996 The purpose of the dental health education project was to teach and encourage mothers to take responsibility for their children's oral health. This study was to evaluate a provincial program which the Dental Health Division, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, started in 1992. The sample population group included mothers and carriers of children ages 1 1/2-4 years. A simple random sampling technique, probability proportional to size was used. 600 persons in provinces took part in the research. It was found that 56.3% of the mothers had received oral examination and dental health education in the maternity clinic. Moreover, a statistically significant number of mothers who had received oral examination and dental health education were interested in the oral care of the children more than did the mothers who had not received oral examination and dental health. 62.0% of the parents had received children's oral health care education in the well baby clinic. 30.8% of the children had received oral care everyday. 42.2% of the children had been bottle fed and that 41.5% of the bottle fed children had slept while sucking. 21.0% of the children stopped bottle feeding at midnight before 1 years. Only 19.4% of the bottle fed children that stopped bottle feeding before 1 1/2 years and 58.0% of the children ate sweets and candies everyday. It was found that 93.8% of the children had received first stimulate vaccination by 97% at the health offices, but health personnel gave out first toothbrush only 42.1% to those children. Moreover, a statistically significant number of parents of children who received the first toothbrush, were interested and brushed their children's teeth before bed time everyday more than those who had not received 92.6% of given out first toothbrush had been used.


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How to Cite
et al SR. An evaluation of Roi-ed province preschool children’s dental promotion program. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1997 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];2(2):11-9. Available from:
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