The Costs of Mobile Dental Health Service in Primary Schools of Amphur Bangplama, Suphanburi.

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Phenkhae Lapying
Roongchit Archeeva
Somporn Katchanoot
Suparb Ramkul


Activities of mobile dental health service in primary schools of Bangplama Hospital, Suphanburi included oral health education, oral examination, teeth extraction, pit-fissure sealant, topical fluoride and dental calculus scaling. The study started at June 1993-June 1994 (13 months) to evaluate the costs of mobile dental health service. The 2,646 students received dental treatments were 46.08 % of all oral examined students or were 36.42 % of all students in Amphur Bangplama . Dividing by type of treatments, the costs of sealant was 33.07 baht per person, extraction was 26.42, scaling was 23.83, oral medication was 19.40, topical fluoride was 16.74 and oral examination was 10.59 . And, overall costs of the mobile dental health service per student who received dental treatment was 36.34 baht/person.


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How to Cite
Lapying P, Archeeva R, Katchanoot S, Ramkul S. The Costs of Mobile Dental Health Service in Primary Schools of Amphur Bangplama, Suphanburi. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1997 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];2(1):20-7. Available from:
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