The Feasibility Test of WHO Simplified Questionnaire for Dental Behavior Survey in Songkhla Province Thailand.

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Somnuk Chanduaykit
Siripen Arunpraphan


This study aimed at testing a feasibility of using the WHO simplified questionnaire and also finding out the perceived dental health and related behaviors of Thai people. Samples were drawn from urban, peri-urban and rural areas in Songkhla province using stratified multistage cluster sampling technique. The translated questionnaire was used for interview. Total samples were 212 adults aged 15-20 and 35-59 years old. Findings were majority of samples (82%) perceived their dental health at moderate to good level and satisfied with their dental appearance. 43 % of samples stated they had dental problems in the past 12 months. Majority of adults had proper knowledge of dental diseases, self-care practices, and, relationship of AIDS and dental treatment. They also had good attitudes towards dentist and dental treatment. Behaviors related to oral health of samples were eighty-three percent brush their teeth twice a day or more , 69% use fluoride toothpaste, 6 % have sugary snack and drinks many times a day, and 48 % visit to dentist in the past 2 years . Among all studied factors dental visit in the past two years showed the statistically significant association with location of resident (p <.05), attitudes towards dental health (p <.05), and dental health perception (p <.01). Other factors that showed some association were age with the use of fluoride toothpaste (p <.05), and, perception of dental health with location of resident and education (p <.05). For studying in the nationwide , it was suggested that the questionnaire need some modification in multiple choices and the interview should be shortened.


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Chanduaykit S, Arunpraphan S. The Feasibility Test of WHO Simplified Questionnaire for Dental Behavior Survey in Songkhla Province Thailand. Th Dent PH J [Internet]. 1997 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];2(1):37-46. Available from:
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