Electronic cigarette and oral health: a narrative literature review

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Saruta Saengtipbovorn


Now, electronic cigarettes are increasing in popularity, especially among juveniles. The vapour from electronic cigarettes had reactive oxidative effects, carcinogenic components, and toxic carbonyl compounds that were harmful to general health as a result of smoking cigarettes. However, in the aspect of oral health, there is still a lack of knowledge about the effects of electronic cigarettes on oral health. The objective of this study was to review the effects of electronic cigarettes on oral health. This review was conducted from June to October 2023. Relevant articles were independently searched on PubMed and Google Scholar, which were published until September 2023. The inclusion criteria were published in English and did not exceed 10 years. The results showed electronic cigarettes caused dysbiosis of oral flora in saliva and sub-gingiva and caused inflammation of oral cells by increased inflammatory mediators, which led to periodontal disease (OR: 1.43), dental caries, peri-implantitis, implant failure, orthodontic treatment failure, and oral lesions. Furthermore, the toxic vapour from electronic cigarettes damaged oral cells and caused oral cancer. The other effects of electronic cigarettes were hard and soft tissue trauma to oral ulcers (OR: 1.54) and cracks and fractures of teeth (OR: 1.65) from the method of smoking electronic cigarettes. Dental personnel who were familiar with juveniles could observe any changes in the oral cavity from electronic cigarettes. So, dental personnel need to play their roles by providing knowledge of the effects of electronic cigarettes and smoking cessation counseling to their patients. The electronic cigarette campaign should include the effects of oral health.


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How to Cite
Saengtipbovorn S. Electronic cigarette and oral health: a narrative literature review. Th Dent PH J [internet]. 2024 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];29:83-97. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThDPHJo/article/view/266408
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