Displacement & Misplacement

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Millie Young



               This research is about the creation of a collection of artwork inspired by the experience of displacement of myself and the misplacement of my art porte folio during the floods in Thailand 2011.

               The aim is to demonstrate elephant portraiture derived from the unique experience of camping alongside the elephants and being able to observe at close quarters their personalities and characteristics. It is a commentary of the displacement experience of the elephants, primarily from their present home at Panead Klong Chang; and secondarily the wider commentary of the elephants’ presence in the human environment, not their wild natural habitat; giving the suggestion that the displacement is not just from their domesticated home. It will include selected works that were the misplaced artworks initially left at the house when I had to evacuate in a hurry.

               The collection’s visual theme is the painting technique and medium, which I have developed over the last ten years. The paintings arei on canvas or paper and use a limited palette of Titanium White, Paynes Grey, Rose Madder, Charcoal dust and Gold acrylic paint and gold leaf. The ultimate aim is to get a chiaroscuro effect with light and shadow, which is then expanded on with the layers of gold and gold leaf. The effect is that the paintings react to their environment changing as the daylight progresses giving an illusion of life and a living expression that is never static.

               The work links to my interest in oral history as a key theme of the work as the exhibition is a record of and response to a very personal event that happened to me and to the millions of people also living between Nakorn Sawan and Bangkok during 2011 

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บทความ : International