Mural Painting of Southern Thailand: the Multi-cultural Integration for contemporary image

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Somporn Turee



               The purposes of this creative research were to study and analyze the model in using techniques of fine arts to create mural painting. All of these mural painting were the work which related to the cultures, beliefs in Buddhism, the contents of uniqueness of them, etc.; and to analyze, synthesize of multi- cultural models which expressed the foundation bases reflected specific values principles, methods of multi-techniques, multi-cultures, in those southern mural painting of Rattanakosin Period: form King Rama 1 to King Rama 6.

               From this study, the study will help public earn Knowledge and understanding of integration multi-Cultural characters which reveal the specific values of these fine arts works. The study using multi-methods, the public could imagine of the uniqueness of creation in each mural painting appeared distinctively.

               The method of this research was to study and collect data and then analyze and synthesize of all specific foundations, principles, and emphasized on the uniqueness of each work : the work of Central Part Artists (Chang long pakglang), Chinese style, Western style, King Rama IV style, Hindu-chawa style, Muslims style and local southern Style. All these Fine arts mural painting were integrated with Multi- cultures, multi-work styles, multi-method creating to be the uniqueness of arts work as interesting pieces of painting in the south.

               The result of creative research indicated and related to the contemporary Fine art of mural paintings reflected to the beliefs, cultures and the way of life which were different of the people who lived in the same society as brotherhood which shown in the shapes, postures, techniques and methods of the work- the mural paintings in the southern of Thailand and the perception of the taste and touch of local identity in southern new imagery.     

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บทความ : International