Nutritional Values of the Gelatinous Substance in Bamboo Internodes


  • Chaiyong Rujjanawate School of Medicine, Mae Fah Luang University
  • Shisanupong Anukanon School of Medicine, Mae Fah Luang University


Gelatinous substance, Dendrocalamus strictus, Nutritional values


Background: During the rainy and cool seasons, internodes of bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) contain a clear light brown gelatinous substance with a pale bamboo odor. This gelatinous substance is traditionally called “Piang” and has long been used as a food by northern Thai people. However, there have been no reports regarding nutritional values to support the promotion of this local wisdom usage.

Objective: Thus study aimed to evaluate the nutritional values and anti-oxidant properties of this gelatinous substance.

Methods: Bamboo gelatinous substance was collected from local markets in Chiang Rai, freeze dried and subjected to nutritional analysis and anti-oxidant assay.

Results: The results showed that 1.0 gram of dried gelatinous substance contains 0.79 g of insoluble dietary fiber and 0.11 g of soluble dietary fiber. There was 0.16 g of protein in 100 grams of fresh gelatinous substance and no fats or sugars were detected. Silicon was the most predominant mineral found in the bamboo gelatinous substance. Its content was 20 mg/100 g fresh gelatinous weight. Other minerals found in 100 g fresh gelatinous substance were potassium (104 mg), sodium (2 mg), magnesium (1.78 mg), calcium (4 mg), phosphorus (8 mg), iron (0.14 mg), zinc (0.04 mg) and chloride (4.40 mg). Total polyphenols at small concentrations were found but no anti-oxidant properties were detected.

Conclusion: All of these findings suggested that bamboo gelatinous substance contains almost zero calories but is rich in dietary fibre and silicon, both of which are beneficial to health. This natural product could be developed as a potential dietary supplement.


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How to Cite

Rujjanawate C, Anukanon S. Nutritional Values of the Gelatinous Substance in Bamboo Internodes. GMSMJ [internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];1(1):25-31. available from:



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