Preparation of Glass-Ceramic Biomaterial from Cow bone and Thai Mollusk shells


  • Sittiporn Punyanitya Innovative Biomaterials and Medical Device Research Group, Mae Fah Luang University
  • Tiwasawat Sirisoam Innovative Biomaterials and Medical Device Research Group, Mae Fah Luang University
  • Surapattanapong Kullatham Innovative Biomaterials and Medical Device Research Group, Mae Fah Luang University,


Hydroxyapatite, Biomaterial, Cockle shell, Bioceramic, Bioglass


Background: Hydroxyapatite material has excellent biocompatibility with the human body trust it has poor mechanical properties. Bioglass addition can be solving this problem. Glass-ceramic biomaterial from cow bone and Thai mollusk shells is a new material for repair the broken bone.

Objective: The purpose of this research is preparation of glass-ceramic biomaterial form cow bone and Thai mollusk shells, and to investigate their characteristics and properties.

Methods: Nano HA powder was prepared by thermal method for heating up to 950°C and ground with highspeed pot mill, beside the calcium phosphate glass was prepared by melted the mixture of CaO-P2O5-Na2O at 1000°C, quenched and ground to fine powder by high speed pot mill. Then mix two type of powder in the various ratio. Samples of the composite were formed by a hydraulic press machine and sintered at temperature of 1300°C for 2 h in an electric furnace. Characterization by FTIR, XRD, SEM/EDX and UTM machine.

Results: The results from FTIR and XRD confirmed the functional groups and composition phase of HA powder that has the ion stretching vibration of hydroxyl group (OH-), carbonate (CO32-), and phosphate groups (PO43-) were also observed around 1045 and 560 cm-1 respectively. XRD measurement showed that the ceramic contains hydroxyapatite crystals with β-tricalcium phosphate, calcium oxide and amorphous CaPO4 phase. SEM measurement shows the porous, HA particles and amorphous phase. Mechanical property measurements show that the glass-ceramic contains flexural stress of 55.09 MPa.

Conclusion: In this experiment, hydroxyapatite powder and bioglass powder can be prepared for fabricating biomaterials. They could develop to apply as the production of scaffold bone, sponge bone, and bone filler.


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How to Cite

Punyanitya S, Sirisoam T, Kullatham S. Preparation of Glass-Ceramic Biomaterial from Cow bone and Thai Mollusk shells. GMSMJ [internet]. 2021 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];1(2):79-83. available from:



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