A Case of Streptobacillus moniliformis Bacteremia with IIiopsoas Abscess


  • Daisuke Akaneya Department of Clinical Laboratory, Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital, Yamagata 990-2292, Japan
  • Yu Suzuki Department of Clinical Laboratory, Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital 990-2292, Japan
  • Yuka Yamaguchi Department of Clinical Laboratory, Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital 990-2292, Japan
  • Mika Sampei Department of Microbiology, Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public Health 990-2292, Japan
  • Junji Seto Department of Microbiology, Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public Health 990-2292, Japan
  • Tatsuya Ikeda Department of Microbiology, Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public Health 990-2292, Japan
  • Shuichi Abe Department of Infectious Disease, Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital 990-2292, Japan
  • Dhammika Leshan Wannigama Department of Infectious Disease, Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital 990-2292, Japan


Streptobacillus moniliformis, iliopsoas abscess


Streptobacillus moniliformis is a Gram-negative bacillus usually colonized by rodents and causes rat bite fever as a zoonotic infection; however, it is unusual to develop S. moniliformis infection without a history of contact with rodents. Here we report an 87-year-old patient with no history of direct contact with rodents who developed S. moniliformis bacteremia with iliopsoas abscess. She had low back pain, and her CT scan showed a left iliopsoas abscess and an aortic aneurysm dissection, Stanford type B. Blood culture was positive for unidentifiable Gram-positive bacillus and finally confirmed to be S. moniliformis by ribosomal RNA homology analysis. She was treated with intravenous tazobactam/piperacillin, followed by oral amoxicillin. We should mention that S. moniliformis infection can be developed without rodent contact.


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How to Cite

Akaneya, D. ., Suzuki, Y. ., Yamaguchi, Y. ., Sampei, M. ., Seto, J. ., Ikeda, T. ., Abe, S. ., & Leshan Wannigama, D. (2023). A Case of Streptobacillus moniliformis Bacteremia with IIiopsoas Abscess. Greater Mekong Subregion Medical Journal, 3(3), 165–171. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gmsmj/article/view/265174



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