Video Creative Musical Based Tutorial as a Media to Enhance Students Socioemotional Well-Being
Emotional Well-Being, Explorative, Creative, Video Tutorial, Art-BasedAbstract
Background: The concept of independence in learning has been widely recognized as a fundamental aspect of national education. It presents new problems and paradigms that are believed to require a significant amount of time to fully develop students’ ability to think critically and autonomously, both for their own benefit and for the betterment of society.
Objective: To study effect of creative music learning with video tutorials on emotional well-being of primary school music students.
Materials and Method: We measure student self-efficacy through musically creative video training. Immersive, adaptable, and culturally-rooted sounds excite kids. With more digital media, kids can cope with globalization. Communication boosts learning and engagement. This channel helps kids learn at home. E-learning is beneficial for remote COVID-19 learners. Media-based distance learning is self-paced and instructor-free. Teachers, parents, and students must work together at home and school. Without academics, distance education employs technology, information, and media. In video tutorials, audiovisual elements can enhance teacher-student online learning. The lack of creativity among primary school music teachers has negatively impacted this. This study employs art-based mixed-methods research. Using a quasi-experimental approach, questionnaires collect quantitative data. Additionally, we use focus group summaries as secondary qualitative data.
Results: The treatment group had a self-efficacy score of 0.49, with an average of 0.91, compared to the control group’s 0.95, with an average of 0.85. A 2-tailed significance value of 0.05 or above demonstrates that creative music learning through video lessons affects the experimental group. The focus group discussions with students’ parents and teachers showed that multimedia made the video tutorial learning approach more successful and enjoyable.
Conclusion: Creative and engaging online music learning resources may improve and broaden the paradigm. Creative music learning with video tutorials may be a viable alternative and increase primary school music students’ emotional well-being.
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