Psychotropic Drugs and ASEAN Road Safety: The Need for New Legal Framework


  • Arnon Jumlongkul School of Medicine, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand


Alcohol, Psychotropic Drug, Road Safety, Traffic Accident


Background: Currently, ASEAN has policies but no uniform legislation controlling driving under the influence of psychotropic drugs. Numerous road safety concepts and theories may be used to improve road safety in ASEAN. However, member nations continue to under apply these principles.

Objective: The goals of this study are to investigate international theories and concepts for promoting road safety, the ASEAN concept of driving under the influence, global traffic strategies for dealing with driving while intoxicated, and to suggest the appropriate ASEAN-specific policies that can effectively prevent drugged driving.

Materials and method: A qualitative documentary research was conducted for this study. The scope of this study also includes global concepts and theories to promote road safety, concept of driving under the influences in ASEAN, concept of harmonizing road safety laws, international traffic strategies to dealing with impaired driving issues, and human rights and drug testing.

Results: In accordance with the United Nations’ five pillars of road safety, ASEAN has focused on driving under the influence. ASEAN has no additional guidelines for controlling psychotropic drug use among drivers. In the case of cross-border driving, it is difficult for most individuals to know what blood alcohol concentration or drug levels are permitted for drivers in the country into which they are traveling. All human rights and drug testing issues must be addressed as part of ASEAN’s implementation of the concept of drug testing among road users.

Conclusion: This article suggests that ASEAN should develop a clear policy to promote the prevention of drug-impaired driving and the consequences of such driving among ASEAN drivers. The prospective ASEAN Agreement for the Protection of Driving Under the Influence of Psychotropic Drugs and its Work Plan should be proposed. The ASEAN should support instruments for measuring alcohol and psychotropic drugs at border crossings in each country. Finally, ASEAN should monitor each country, particularly during physical examination and drug testing procedures at checkpoints, traffic accident scenes, and while driving.


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How to Cite

Jumlongkul, A. (2024). Psychotropic Drugs and ASEAN Road Safety: The Need for New Legal Framework. Greater Mekong Subregion Medical Journal, 4(3), 107–124. Retrieved from



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