Electronic-Prescribing-System Protocol Development for Government Sector Outpatients and Private Drug Stores: Case Study in Kalasin Province, Thailand
Electronic prescribing system, reducing overcrowding policy, Kalasin provinceAbstract
Introduction: Thai hospitals are overcrowded, with patients spending half of their time waiting for medicines, resulting in increasing patient unhappiness and strain on staff, which leads to medication errors. So, a policy was implemented to minimize congestion by using an E-prescribing system (EPS) that allows patients to obtain medicines at drug store. However, the existing EPS does not give adequate operational assistance since the system does not cover all areas, there is insufficient financial support, and the EPS does not facilitate information sharing.
Objective: to develop an EPS protocol that allows for interoperability between a drug store and outpatients in a government hospital
Method: this research was a design and development research separated into four stages: review of Thailand's EPS, stakeholder analysis, system analysis and design, and system evaluation.
Results: The results indicated from 17 key stakeholders at 1 secondary hospital, 1 primary hospital, and 2 drug stores in Kalasin province. The new EPS protocol allows patients to choose from a variety of health settings (all-tier hospitals, Suksala, and drug stores) to obtain lab tests or refill medications anywhere and at any time based on their condition by making or changing an appointment through the Line official account named "Morprom."
Conclusions: The goal of this research was to develop an EPS protocol utilizing a case study in Kalasin province. To build an EPS protocol applicable in Thailand, this protocol must be deployed in real-world settings in a variety of areas.
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