Factors Associated with Violence of Persons with Disabilities in the Thai Context
Disability, Violence, ThailandAbstract
This study used an analytical descriptive research approach, focusing on violence against people with disabilities, the types of violence experiences, and the factors related to the violence among people with disabilities in the Thai context. This study applied the Ecological model for understanding interpersonal violence from the World Health Organization as the theoretical guideline. The calculated samples consisted of 201 people who have a disability aged 20 years old and over. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the general characteristics, and logistic regression was applied for the data analysis. The results revealed that people with disability experienced overall violence at 98%, psychological violence 96.5%, physical violence 77.1%, violence from being neglected 75.6%. Factors influencing violence against people with disabilities composed of younger age, being female, low income, living with illness, poor relationships within the family, less family members, and social values to violence. The result of this study could be beneficial in developing awareness and prevention programs to protect human rights violations against people with disabilities in the Thai context.
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