The Accessibility to Reproductive Healthcare Services for Teenagers in Bangkok’s Urban Community


  • Thitiphorn Suwan-ampa Lecturer, Department of Family Nursing and Midwifery, Princess Agrarajakumari College of Nursing, Chulabhorn Royal Academy, Thailand. Email:
  • Tasaneewan Purksametanan Assistant Professor, Department of Family Nursing and Midwifery, Princess Agrarajakumari College of Nursing, Chulabhorn Royal Academy,Thailand. Email:


Access to reproductive health services, Teenagers, Bangkok’s urban community


The purpose of this study was to examine the accessibility of reporductive health services for teenagers and identify the factors influencing teenagers’ satisfaction with these services in urban communities within Bangkok. The study samples were 346 teenagers recruited by using multistage sampling technique. Data were collected using interviewed questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as Multiple Logistic Regression analysis were applied for data analysis.

The results showed that the sample had a mean age. It was found that the access of teenagers to reproductive health services are moderate level. Factors predicting satisfaction with accessing to reproductive health services statistically significant (p < 0.05);  Appropriateness, Acceptance and Accessibility of health care services. Appropriateness of health services had the highest predictive weight (beta =.444), followed by acceptance of health services (beta = .218) and accessibility of health services (beta = .152). So that the level of satisfaction of teenagers accessing to reproductive health services is 48.40 percent, significantly (p < 0.05). The multiple correlation coefficient (R) is 6.96, and a standard error mean of prediction (S.E.) is 0.20.

In conclusion, teenagers in Bangkok’s urban communities require more approachable health providing services such as more appropriate, more accessible services which would help teenagers accesing to heath services better.


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