Factors Related to Mental Health and Quality of Life among College and University Teaching Professionals in Thailand
Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Quality of life, Self-esteemAbstract
The field of higher education has grown rapidly throughout the last half-century, with student enrollment outpacing the general population growth rate in recent years. This has placed increased stress and demands upon university teaching professionals who have already been identified by researchers as one of the most stressed occupational groups. This quantitative study examined the predictors of mental health and quality of life among college and university teaching professionals. Data was collected from 360 teaching professionals employed at four higher education institutions in Thailand. Variables in this study included participants’ personal, professional, financial, health characteristics, and self-esteem as well as mental health conditions and quality of life. Multiple regression analyses revealed the following results: Gender, years work as teaching professional, BMI, and self-esteem are significant predictors of depression (adjusted R²=.33). Salary, savings, sleep, and self-esteem are significant predictors of anxiety (adjusted R²=.22). Years work as teaching professional, loans, and self-esteem are significant predictors of stress (adjusted R²=.17). Years work as teaching professional, loan, sleep, and self-esteem are significant predictors of overall quality of life (adjusted R²=.48). Preservation of university resources including teaching professionals is critical to ensuring the successful growth and development of the higher education institutions. Recommendations for improving quality of life and mental health outcomes for university teaching professionals include reducing pressure relating to research output, promoting self-esteem through mentorship and supportive workplace relationships, and encouraging healthy daily habits.
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