โรคอ้วน: ภัยคุกคามสุขภาพคนไทย


  • ถาวร มาต้น คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร จังหวัดพิษณุโลก


elderly, self-care behavior, health perception, the ability of self-care, social support, โรคอ้วน, เมตาบอลิกซินโดรม, ดัชนีมวลกาย



The objective of this article was to describe situation and problem of obesity, method of evaluation, causation and principle of obesity control. Result of analysis found that the tendency of Thais for being overweight has been increasing recently. Most of these obese people reside in cities particularly those who live in Bangkok have the highest incidence of obesity follow by people in the North. The main causes of obesity or overweight among Thais results from lacking of physical exercise and consuming behavior which adheres to the taste of food rather than its nutritional considerations. Obesity is also the leading cause of diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. The high risk group includes women and men with waist circumferences (WC) of 80 and 90 centimeters, which increase a chance to have diabetes twice of normal people. Every five centimeters escalation of WC enhances 3-5 times risk of diabetes. Hence, physical exercise is the best solution for preventing obesity. The Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) has launched the campaign for Thais aged over 15 years in every province to reduce their weights and WCs. The three essential behaviors for losing weight were dietary control, exercise, and emotional adjustment. The most appropriate approach for weight loss is the weight reduction of one half to one kilogram per week especially those who have abnormally high blood sugar level. If ones endeavour for weight control, changing partaking behavior, the risk to have diabetes will decrease by 60 percent.

Key words: elderly, self-care behavior, health perception, the ability of self-care, social support.




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