

  • วิวัฒน์ วนรังสิกุล คณะเวชศาสตร์เขตร้อน มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล


preventive behaviors, avian influenza, poultry farmers, พฤติกรรมการป้องกันโรค, ไข้หวัดนก, เกษตรกรผู้เลี้ยงสัตว์ปีก



The objectives of the present study were to identify poultry farmers preventive behaviors regarding avian influenza and to study the factors associated with preventive behaviors. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2 areas in Kanchanaburi Province, that had cases reported of avian influenza and that did not have cases reported. Structured questionnaires were used to interview 400 poultry farmers : 200 persons from area with cases reported and 200 persons from the area without case. Statistical analysis involved determining percentages and stepwise multiple regression analysis. It was found that: Preventive behaviors of avian influenza in poultry farmers in area with cases reported and the area without case, the majority of 2 areas were have a total of preventive behaviors at moderate level. Factors associated with preventive behaviors of avian influenza in poultry farmers in area with cases reported were in descending order: knowledge about symptoms of poultry that infected with avian influenza and education. These factors were moderately associated with preventive behaviors of avian influenza (R = 0.402). On the other hand, factors associated with preventive behaviors of avian influenza in poultry farmers in area without case were in descending order: perceived information-advertising of avian influenza in the members of family, age, perceived benefit about prevention of avian influenza, knowledge about symptoms of poultry that infected with avian influenza, perceived risk of infectious avian influenza and family status. These factors were moderately associated with preventive behaviors of avian influenza (R = 0.524). The recommendations of this study are encourage poultry farmers changes preventive behaviors regarding avian influenza for the better and encourage poultry farmers have a good knowledge about avian influenza.

Key words: preventive behaviors, avian influenza, poultry farmers




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