Factors Predicting Quality of Care among Patients with Diabetes at Public Health Centers, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Supamas Srihabutr
Kerada Krainuwut
Piyatida Nakagasien


Purpose: To study quality of care and predictive power of employee involvement, achievement motivation, and nurse staffing ratio on quality of care among diabetic patients.

Design: Predictive correlational study.

Methods: The sample population included 106 staff nurses working at diabetic clinics in public health centers, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. A simple random sampling was used for the recruitment. Data were collected using a set of questionnaires consisting of demographic information, nurse staffing ratio, employee involvement, achievement motivation, and quality of care. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis.

Main findings: Employee involvement and achievement motivation were moderately and positively correlated with quality of care for patients with diabetes (r = .331, p < .01 and r = .447, p < .01 respectively). Multiple regression analysis revealed that only achievement motivation could predict the quality of care for patients with diabetes (b = .418, t = 3.507, p < .01). Both employee involvement and nurse staffing ratio could not predict the quality of care among patients with diabetes.

Conclusion and recommendations: As achievement motivation could predict the quality of care for patients with diabetes at public health centers; thus, administrators should promote and support the increase of nurses’ achievement motivation through administrative policies and related activities.

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How to Cite
Srihabutr, S., Krainuwut, K., & Nakagasien, P. (2019). Factors Predicting Quality of Care among Patients with Diabetes at Public Health Centers, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 37(2), 92–106. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/192771
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