Development of a Qigong Nursing Therapeutic Program for Women with Menopausal Symptoms

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Srinuan Osotsatian
Ladawan Prateepchaikul
Sopen Chunuan
Marianne Marcus


Purpose: To develop a Qigong Nursing Therapeutic Program (QNTP)for reducing menopausal symptoms.

Design: Three phases of participatory action research were conducted.Phase I included knowledge exploration and a pilot study to develop atentative QNTP. In phase II, the tentative QNTP was implementedusing three cycles of participatory action research (PAR) with tenperimenopauses. Data were collected by interviews, symptom selfreports,participatory observation and field notes. Additionally, theoverall programming outcomes were evaluated using descriptive andcontent analysis. In phase III, the final QNTP was formulated from theconclusions of process, outcomes and lessons learned.

Main finding: Three core components of final QNTP are: 1) educationon holism, nutrition and concepts of QNTP; 2) five exercises consistingof diaphragmatic breathing, muscle and joint movements, andvisualization; 3) program processing consisting of QNTP orientation,training and practice as well as six facilitations and three evaluations ofnursing, three learning activities and three evaluations of participant.The QNTP was shown to decrease menopausal symptoms and promotewell-being.

Conclusion and recommendations: This study provides an acceptableQNTP that could be a guideline for reducing menopausal symptomsand promoting health for menopause. However, the effectiveness ofthe program should be tested with a larger sample size.

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How to Cite
Osotsatian, S., Prateepchaikul, L., Chunuan, S., & Marcus, M. (2011). Development of a Qigong Nursing Therapeutic Program for Women with Menopausal Symptoms. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(1), 26–36. Retrieved from
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