Factors and Psychosocial Profiles of Intimate Partner Violence among Pregnant Women

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Nanthana Thananowan
Sirirat Leelacharas


Purpose: To investigate factors and psychosocial profiles (e.g., stress,social support, and self esteem) of intimate partner violence (IPV)among pregnant women.

Design: Descriptive comparative design

Methods: The sample was comprised of 420 pregnant women whoreceived their antenatal care visits at a university hospital in Bangkok.Data was collected through a set of structured questionnaires whichwere then analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi-square test, andindependent t-test.

Main Findings: Compared to non-abused pregnant women, abusedpregnant women rated significantly higher in areas of divorce,separation and remarriage, alcohol abuse, smoking, unplanned andunwanted pregnancy (p < .05). They also had significantly shorter lengthof marriage, lower levels of education, and the greater number ofgravidarum and abortion (p < .05). Moreover, abused pregnant womenhad significantly higher stress, but lower social support and self-esteemthan non-abused pregnant women (p < .05).

Conclusion and recommendations: Based on these findings, nursesshould pay attention and increase awareness of IPV among pregnantwomen as well as perform universal screening of IPV aimed at reducingsuch violence experienced and negative health outcomes duringpregnancy.

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How to Cite
Thananowan, N., & Leelacharas, S. (2011). Factors and Psychosocial Profiles of Intimate Partner Violence among Pregnant Women. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(1), 37–44. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ns/article/view/2797
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