Health Care Services for Clients with Diabetes and Hypertension: A Perspective of Community Stakeholders

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Kerada Krainuwat
Saovaros Meekusol
Panudda Priyatruk


Purpose: This study aimed to explore how community humanresources are involved in caring for clients with diabetes/hypertension.The study also investigated how clients searched for knowledge to carefor their health and looked into community care services and clients’health needs.

Design: A qualitative study design.

Methods: Target population was 20 key informants from Samprandistrict. Data were collected by observation, survey, and interview andanalyzed using content analysis then verified by key informants.

Main findings: The findings showed that a number of communityhuman resources, including local government, local health departments,Sampran elderly club, and Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University wereinvolved in providing care and support for clients with diabetes/hypertension. Those clients learned how to take care of themselves fromhealth care providers, health media, self help groups, and signs andsymptoms of the disease. They needed to enhance their knowledge andskills in a friendly and relaxed environment. They also neededhome-based continuing care services.

Conclusion and recommendations: Health care services for clientswith diabetes/ hypertension could be maximized by a joint collaborationamong community human resources. Researchers, therefore,presented recommendations for success in caring for clients as follows:Firstly, stakeholders especially those who lived with diabetes/ hypertensionshould be encouraged to share ideas or get involved in communityhealth project(s). Secondly, local policy makers should set up healthcare policies and strategic plans that covered the work of communityhealth nurses to reach their health care goals.

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How to Cite
Krainuwat, K., Meekusol, S., & Priyatruk, P. (2011). Health Care Services for Clients with Diabetes and Hypertension: A Perspective of Community Stakeholders. Nursing Science Journal of Thailand, 29(1), 73–80. retrieved from
Research Papers


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