Comparison of Prosthesis Position in Total Hip Arthroplasty by Lateral and Posterior Approach in Pathum Thani Hospital

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Kaewkun C, MD


Purpose: To compare differences in prosthetic position in total hip arthroplasty between the lateral and posterior approaches.

Methods: Retrospective analytical study reviewed the X-ray films and medical records of every patient treated with total hip arthroplasty from 2002 to 2010. There were 107 hips in 93 patients.

Results: There was no statistically significant difference in sex, age, or diagnosis between the two approaches. Acetabular inclination, vertical height, horizontal distance, and anteversion were also not significantly different between the two groups, yet the femoral stem alignment significantly tended to be varus in the posterior approach and valgus in the lateral approach. This also made the posterior approach group have longer offset with statistically significance. This might be the influence of the position of the femur when inserting the femoral stem. Limb length discrepancy was similar in both groups.

Conclusion: The femoral stem alignment significantly tended to be varus in the posterior approach and valgus in the lateral approach. This data can be used to prevent prosthetic malalignment following the selected approach in total hip arthroplasty.

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