Periodization training for strength

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Suttikorn Apanukul


The periodization training for strength requires three different phases: general preparation and specific preparation, pre-competition, and main competition respectively. The main competition is the period, which aims at the highest performance the athletes should deliver at their competition. The strength development plan starts with anatomical adaptation phase during the general preparation. This is to prepare the body for a harder training. The necessity for hypertrophy phase; however, depends on different types of sports. The vital goal for strength development in pre-competition is the maximum strength gained to produce muscular power, muscular endurance or power endurance which will be later used in the competition. Thus, a coach needs to understand the specificity of training related to biomotor ability of each sport. Additionally, the athletes’ physical fitness, and competition schedules should be taken into considerations to optimize performance when planning a training program.

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Apanukul, S. (2019). Periodization training for strength. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 20(3), 1–14. retrieved from
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