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Arunya Kreangkraichok
Gulapish Pookaiyaudom


Purpose The purpose of this research was to study the motive to travel solo of Thai females and compare their demographic attributes: age, status, education level, career and income.

Methods The method in quantitative research was a survey. The samples of research consist of 400 Thai females are 20 years old who had experienced or interested in solo travel overseas and had planned to solo travel included business traveling, but except a travelling for further education. This research used questionnaires as the main method to collect data with IOC of 0.89 and coefficient alpha equal 0.90. This study also applied statistical data analyses using the determination of patterns in the data such as the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research also undertook One-Way ANOVA. Thereafter, if the research revealed the difference of statistical significance at 0.05, LSD technique was adopted to test the pair differences.

Results The hypotheses testing revealed that overall motive to travel solo of Thai females reached the high level of agreement (x = 4.00). The highest motives categorized by items were Physical motive (x = 4.42) followed by the high motives of Self-development (x = 4.18), Culture (x = 4.02), Emotion (x = 3.99), Status and Prestige (x = 3.78) and Person (x = 3.64) respectively. The comparison of demographic attributes revealed that Thai females who have different age, status, education level, career and income had different motives to travel solo with statistical significance at 0.05

Conclusion Thai females have motives to travel solo at the high level of agreement and physical motive is highest while others are high. Moreover, the demographic attributes: age, status, education level, career and income have different motives to solo traveling.

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How to Cite
Kreangkraichok , A. ., & Pookaiyaudom, G. (2019). THE MOTIVE TO TRAVEL SOLO OF THAI FEMALES. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 20(3), 122–136. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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