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Melanie Urasanit
Suttikorn Apanukul


Purpose : The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of squat jump with different weights on peak power in female volleyball players.

Methods : Ten female volleyball players, aged between 18-25 years old, volunteered for this study. Each subject performed three sessions of the weighted squat jump at three different conditions (i.e. 0%, 10% and 20% of 1 RM), separated by at least 72 h. Each session consisted of repeated 20 squat jumps interspersed with 5 sec inter-repetition rest periods. The order of test was randomly assigned and counterbalanced. The peak power, force and velocity were measured using the FT-700 power system. Data were presented as mean and standard deviation (S.D.) and performance variables were analyzed using One-way ANOVA with repeated measure followed by the Bonferroni as a post-hoc test. The level of significant was set at p-value<0.05.

Results : The results showed that the average peak power of jump squat were significantly higher at the load of 0% and 10% of 1RM than that of 20% of 1 RM (P<0.05). Although the average peak force of jump squat at the load of 0% of 1RM was greater than that of 10% of 1RM (P<0.05), the average peak velocity was higher at the load of 0% of 1RM as compared to the load of 10% and 20% 1RM (P<0.05).

Conclusion : These results indicate that the unloaded jump squat is the most effective for eliciting peak power during repeated jump squat in female volleyball players.

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How to Cite
Urasanit, M., & Apanukul, S. (2020). ACUTE EFFECTS OF SQUAT JUMP WITH DIFFERENT WEIGHTS ON PEAK POWER IN FEMALE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 21(1), 75–83. retrieved from
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