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Sittichai Pengkumpa
Kurusart Konharn


Purpose : The purpose of this research was to investigate and compare the effectiveness of total body resistance exercise (TRX) suspension and dynamic stretching in swimmers with different body mass index on stroke characteristics and short-distance front crawl swimming performance.

Methods : Thirty-two young swimmers (19 males, aged 14.06±1.90 years; 13 females, aged 13.27±0.93 years) were divided into three groups according to BMI percentiles (Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3). Swimmers performed a conventional warm-up combined with TRX suspension or dynamic stretching. Subsequently, they completed 50 and 100 meters front crawl swimming with the last 15-meters stroke characteristics and performance time recorded. One-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni post-hoc test were used for data analysis, with a statistical significant was set at P-value <.05.

Results : Swimmers with class-2 BMI showed the best performance time in 50-m. and 100-m distances. Both warm-up methods had no beneficial effect on performances time. However TRX suspension exercise showed a lower stroke rate and stroke length compared to the dynamic stretching, especially in 100-m. distance.

Conclusion : TRX suspension exercise significantly improved stroke rate and stroke length but not performance time compared with dynamic stretching, regardless of BMI class, in young swimmers.

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How to Cite
Pengkumpa, S. ., & Konharn, K. . (2020). EFFECTS OF TOTAL BODY RESISTANCE EXERCISE SUSPENSION AND DYNAMIC STRETCHING IN SWIMMERS WITH DIFFERENT BODY MASS INDEX ON STROKE PERFORMANCE DURING SHORT-DISTANCES FRONT SWIM CRAWL. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 21(2), 256–268. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spsc_journal/article/view/244981
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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