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Soinapha Maiphom
Wipawadee Leemingsawat


Objective : The objective of this research was to study health literacy level of caregivers of childrens with epilepsy and to compare caregivers’ health literacy level, according to age, and educational levels.

Method : The samples of this research were 108 caregivers of children with epilepsy who undertook medical treatment at the outpatient department, the Pediatric Neurology Clinic, Prasat Neurological Institute, Bangkok. The samples were selected based on a purposive sampling. A research instrument was health literacy scale to measure caregivers’ health literacy levels. Quantitative collected data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, and standard deviation, and One-way ANOVA. A pairwise comparison was conducted by using LSD. The statistically significant was set at p < 0.05

Results : Most participants had a moderate level of health literacy (96.30%). When individual aspects were considered, the reading and understanding the letters and numbers (X = 8.19, S.D. = 1.72), and decision making about the care of childrens with epilepsy (X = 15.28, S.D. = 1.54) were at a very high level. However, the knowledge and understanding about epilepsy (X = 10.11, S.D. = 1.92), an access to health information and services (X = 10.33, S.D. = 3.48), and a communication to reduce the health risks of children with epilepsy (X = 13.58, S.D. = 2.79) were at a fair level. When personal factors, including age, and educational levels were compared, the participants aged 20-49 years old had higher level of health literacy than those of aged 50 years old or older. The participants graduated with a bachelor’s degree or higher had higher level of health literacy than those of one who graduated with secondary education or diploma, and elementary education or uneducated group with a statistical significance.

Conclusion : The findings of this study implied that the participants had a moderate level of health literacy. The participants with different age groups and educational levels had different levels of health literacy.

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How to Cite
Maiphom, S., & Leemingsawat, W. (2020). HEALTH LITERACY OF CAREGIVERS OF CHILDREN WITH EPILEPSY. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 21(2), 269–282. retrieved from
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