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Nunchanok Piakaew
Chadaphan Suwannate
Nutthaporn Awilai


Fastening recovery after the match is an important process to improve an athlete’s performance. Massage is one main method among muscle relaxation techniques to recover and prepare for the next competition.               

Study the acute effect of Swedish and ice massage on muscle relaxation after training in futsal athletes.

14 male futsal athletes from Sisaket Rajabhat University participated in the test in two days, a cross-over study design. The first day includes Swedish massage to relax muscles, a washout period of 2 weeks, and the second with ice massage to relax muscles. Allow 20 minutes for each person to compare their heart rates (HR), breathing rate (BR), tympanic temperature (TT), and fatigue score (Visual Analogue Scale; VAS) were tested using One-way ANOVA with Repeated Measures.

1. Average HR, BR, TT, and VAS in the Swedish and ice massage group. Comparing the results before and after the experiment. At the 05 level, it was found to be significantly different.
2. Average HR, BR, TT, and VAS in the Swedish and ice massage group. Comparing the results between groups after the experiment did not display any statistical significance.

Swedish and ice massage affect muscle relaxation after training in futsal athletes were comparable.

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How to Cite
Piakaew, N., Suwannate, C., & Awilai, N. (2023). THE ACUTE EFFECTS OF SWEDISH AND ICE MASSAGES ON MUSCLE RELAXATION AFTER TRAINING IN FUTSAL ATHLETES . Journal of Sports Science and Health, 24(3), 28–41. retrieved from
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