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Ronnaphop Chaoplaina
Tossaporn Yimlamai


Purpose : The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of eccentric complex training (ECC) versus traditional complex training (CON) on leg muscular performance in soccer players.

Methods : Twenty-six college soccer, aged range 18-22 years old, were allocated into either: ECC (n=13) or CON (n=13) group. The subjects were familiarized with the smith-machine squat technique training for 2 weeks before the experiment. Then, the ECC group completed 4 sets of a 4-reps of half-squat training at 120% 1RM, followed by plyometric exercise while the control group performed 4 sets of a 6-reps of half-training at 80% 1RM, followed by a plyometric exercise. Both groups trained twice a week for 6 weeks. Before and after 6-wk of training, muscle strength and power, 10-m and 20-m. speed, and agility were measured. Independent sample t-test and dependent sample t-test were applied, and a significant was set at p-value <.05.

Results : The results demonstrated that after 6 weeks of training, muscle strength, muscle powerand agility increased significantly (p<.05) in ECC group while only muscle strength was increased in CON group. Interestingly, a greater improvement of muscle strength was observed in EEC group compared to CON group.

Conclusion : ECC was likely more effective in enhancing leg muscular performance and agility, compared to the traditional complex training.

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How to Cite
Chaoplaina, R., & Yimlamai, T. . (2020). THE EFFECT OF ECCENTRIC COMPLEX TRAINING ON LEG MUSCULAR PERFORMANCE IN SOCCER PLAYERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 21(3), 327–341. retrieved from
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