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Kewarin Sukmee
Surasa Khongprasert
Ruht Laohapakdee


Purpose : This study aimed to examine the effect of Muay Thai exercise on balance and flexibility in Thai elderly.

Methods : Forty Thai males and females elderly, aged between 60-69 years, from the elderly club of Rangsit City Municipality in Pathum Thani Province participated in this study. Participants were screened by Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and randomly divided into 2 groups; a control group (n=20) and an experimental group (n=20). The experimental group practiced a session of 40 min of Muay Thai exercise, 3 days a week, for 8 weeks, whereas the control group receive no intervention. Balance and Flexibility were measured before and after the experiment. Data were analyzed in terms of means, standard deviation with paired t-test and independent t-test were used to compare differences within and between groups. The statistical significance was accepted at p<.05.

Results : After 8 weeks of Muay Thai exercise, the mean of balance and flexibility were significantly increased significantly in the experimental group (p<.0.5). Moreover, the experimental group showed better improvements in balance and flexibility, compared to the control group.

Conclusion : A 8-week Muay Thai exercise was effective for improving balance and flexibility in the elderly.

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How to Cite
Sukmee, K. ., Khongprasert, S. ., & Laohapakdee, R. . (2020). THE EFFECT OF MUAY THAI EXERCISE ON BALANCE AND FLEXIBILITY IN THAI ELDERLY. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 21(3), 432–445. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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