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Sirinut Chaidaung
Pathaveena Kaewjaeng


The purpose of this research was to study and compare the effects of dynamic stretching and foam roller on flexibility of hamstring muscle and kicking distance in youth male rugby players under 19 years old.

Methods: Twenty-eight youth rugby players, age ≤ 19 years old, were recruited for this study and were randomly divided into 3 groups. While Group 1 (n = 10) performed a dynamic stretching exercise, Group 2 (n = 9) performed a foam roller stretching, and Group 3 (n = 9) served as a control. Each group was trained for 3 days per week over a 6- week period. Flexibility as measured by passive knee extension and kicking distance were recorded during pre- and post-test. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test for locating differences between groups and within group, respectively.

The results showed that following 6-week of training dynamic stretching significantly increased (P = 0.023) the flexibility of hamstring muscle (148.23 ± 10.25 vs. 151.37 ± 9.22) but had no effect on kicking distance (38.82 ± 17.09 m. vs. 28.51 ± 6.45 m.). However, foam roller had a tendency toward increasing the flexibility of hamstring muscle (143.67 ± 9.52 vs. 148.11 ± 8.20 ) and improving kicking distance (26.04 ± 8.28 m. vs. 31.97 ± 7.34 m.). There were non-significant differences in the flexibility of hamstring muscle and kicking distance between groups .

Conclusion: Both dynamic stretching and foam roller can improve flexibility of hamstring muscle but had little or no effect on kicking distance in youth male rugby players.

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How to Cite
Chaidaung, S. ., & Kaewjaeng, P. . (2021). THE EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC STRETCHING AND FOAM ROLLING ON FLEXIBILITY OF HAMSTRING MUSCLE AND KICKING DISTANCE IN YOUTH MALE RUGBY PLAYERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 22(2), 185–200. retrieved from
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